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Magnet Program

Booker T. Washington Middle School is a Marine Science & Pre-Advanced Placement Magnet.

Our distinctive features include:

  • A newly renovated building with science labs, an outdoor classroom, an aquatic lab, and aquariums depicting freshwater ponds, streams, rivers, the Chesapeake Bay, and the Atlantic Ocean.

  • An interdisciplinary curriculum with an emphasis on Virginia's coastal habitats.

  • Partnerships with science museums, colleges and universities, environmental agencies, and local businesses.

  • Community service projects to include students and families.

  • Curriculum designed to Introduce and prepare students with skills, concepts, and habits of mind needed to succeed in AP courses and college.

Applying to be a part of our magnet program: Magnet school applications should be in schools for pick up by parents interested in applying for a magnet school slot for their child. Applications may be picked up at any school site in the school division.